Career Advice

8 Tech Skills Prized Beyond the Tech Industry in 2021

min read
Mikaela Thompson

Demand for tech skills is not limited to the technology domain. We’ve become a largely tech dependent society. Advancements in technology that are transforming, and constantly evolving, the marketplace and the way business is done is happening at a lickety-split pace. The result being companies must embrace these changes to survive, especially during this global pandemic era. This is driving tech skills as hot commodities across industries and tech-savvy workers are keenly sought-after. Not surprisingly, possessing the right tech skills can get you higher-paying positions. But since tech skills cover an overwhelming gamut of possibilities, which tech skills are most useful to the wider community of companies? Doing due diligence here will prevent you wasting time and cash on occupations and skills which may be dropping off or obsolete soon.

8 Most In-demand Tech Skills Across Industries.

Generally speaking, companies are hotly pursuing workers with tech skills in computer programming, and network engineering while statisticians and information security analysts are among the top 10 fastest growing occupations (US Bureau of Labor Statistics projections). There’s a skyrocketing demand for workers with advanced tech skills. Companies are pouring resources into recruiting, hiring, and nurturing the ‘right’ talent to keep pace with their global competitors. To be in the mix as a candidate, it’s essential you know what skills are required to thrive in different fields. E.g.,

1) Python and other coding/programming languages: executive level leaders are using trending topics in data science, such as, Python and AI to improve their understanding of their business. Being able to code and understand programming languages such as Python, Java, JavaScript, C++, should not be confined to developers. IT staff, project managers and customer service teams can all benefit from knowing basic code to help customers and co-ordinate projects.

2) Machine Learning: as a scientific study of algorithms and statistical models (Apache, AWS, Cloudera, Chef, Sap, HANA etc.) machine learning skills are of course relevant to tech management, systems architects, and security engineers but also data analytics is an important component of digital record keeping for healthcare providers who need software programmes to manage patient data and healthcare records.  Data analysis and software skills are also essential in fields that don’t fit the tech mold e.g., Human Resources and Agriculture. The Finance Industry has likewise been reshaped by the Technology Industry and now finds itself under pressure in a scantily qualified market to fill positions for project managers, software operations specialists, application developers, business intelligence specialists and statisticians.

3) Data science: organizations need employees who can interpret raw data and transform it into usable feedback that helps them to make better products and services. These skills are used in a broad range of industries e.g., retail and healthcare. Data gathered is used to influence your purchasing habits. A strong background in stats and communication is essential.

4) Big data analysis skills: play a pivotal role in business development. Employers need workers who can digest and interpret the massive amounts of data they collect which is employed for price optimization, volume considerations, and where key organizational and strategic improvements can be carried out. These skills are used in retail, real estate, manufacturing, insurance, and tech companies. Proficiency in this area can deliver big results for businesses.

5) Cloud computing skills: the coronavirus has ravaged companies’ finances across industries. Skills such as configuration, deployment, security for cloud services, management and troubleshooting can help reduce company capital expenditures by 38%.

6) Automation skills: these include cybersecurity, troubleshooting and virtualization skills. They boost efficiency which is exactly what businesses need in the wake of the current global pandemic. Covid-19 has seen companies more vulnerable than ever to cybercrime and need to arm themselves with the ability to use e.g., risk identification and management to counter risks to sensitive data exposure.

7) Mobile Application: companies are using this to extend their customer reach during the pandemic. Workers need to know application programming interface (API) development platforms, and cross-platforms application development frameworks, to help companies develop mobile apps and create solutions during this volatile time.

8) Soft skills: the top soft skills wanted by employers are listed by LinkedIn as creativity, persuasion, collaboration, adaptability, and emotional intelligence.  These are all required to be successful in most roles. Employers rate soft skills as equally important as hard skills although the latter are more job specific. While tech skills will continue to be highly desirable, don’t forget about your crucial soft skills development.

Take outs:

Looking at all these tech skills needed now, it can feel daunting when wanting to upskill to better place yourself within the present job market. Here’s a tip. It’ll be easier to develop the required multi-skills one by one by considering what you already know and developing a new tech skill that relates to this area. Over time, you’ll have accrued enough skills to be a stand-out candidate and a shoo-in for that lucrative job.

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