Career Advice

10 Ways to Get Along with Coworkers as a Newcomer

min read
Vera Chan

To get along with your co-workers means to have a more enjoyable environment to work in. You can increase your job satisfaction and this means being more productive each day. Getting out of bed will be less painful in the mornings and you might even jump out of bed with excitement!


To help you navigate the new waters, we have put together ten tips. These will help you ease in more easily as each day goes by. Before you know it, you might have an office bestie. You may even be part of a super troop of colleagues that work together as a dream team.


1. Respect Others

This includes everyday manners, such as learning how to be a good listener. Letting others speak and get a word in. Don't dominate conversations and don't cut people off in the middle of speaking. Be kind and courteous and avoid doing things that may offend others. Remembering someone's name can go a long way as a form of respect when addressing them. You can try to repeat a person's name three times in your head after they tell you their name to try and remember it.


2. Be Positive

Keep conversations light and talk about positive things. Why? Because nobody wants to be around someone that gets you down. Try not to get involved in office drama. Keep your relationship professional and try not to overshare on personal matters. You don't have to be a full ray of sunshine. But your colleagues will want to be around you if you bring a positive attitude and energy.


3. Give Help

Offer help where needed. If you see that your coworker is struggling, see how you can offer assistance. If a colleague is staying really late to work, perhaps see if you can help ease their workload and split things. Grab a cup of coffee for someone that is incredibly busy or offer a snack as an afternoon pick me up. The little things count. You will be thought of fondly as you show your caring side.


4. Make Small Talk

There may be off days where you may not have had your morning cup of coffee yet, but the occasional 'hi' and 'how are you' is kind. If you're popping over to the pantry, ask how someone's day is. You can talk about the weekend or how you like someone's outfit. You don't have to make small talk every day or always give a compliment, but every so now and again it can be appreciated.


5. Go For Coffee

If you want to get to know someone, talk to them one-on-one. A great way to do this is to ask a coworker for a coffee break. Offer them one and next time they can get you back. This is a kind gesture in itself. It also means that you'll have another opportunity to chat and get to know each other better. If you can, go for coffee near the office to get out of the work environment. It will be easier to socialise this way.


6. Eat Lunch Together

It can be hard to pry yourself away from the desk, but try not to eat at your desk all the time. We're not saying that you can't do this especially when you have pressing deadlines. But before the workload piles on after just starting, try to join your colleagues for a group or team lunch. This will help with the bonding and they can get to know you and vice versa at the same time.


7. Go For Food or Drinks

The same as for coffee, you can also ask your coworkers to go out together for lunch or even drinks. Did a new cafe or restaurant open nearby? Do your colleagues appreciate wine? Gauge what you think bodes well for each colleague and ask to go together for food or drinks. You can do this individually, as a pair or as a group.


8. Bring Food to the Office

Food brings people together. Yes, not everybody may be a foodie. Some may eat to live, rather than eat to live, but everybody can appreciate good food. People can also appreciate the gesture. If you like to bake or have just travelled, bring in some home-cooked goodies or snacks from your trip. Is it someone's birthday? Bake a cake or indulge in one from a baker.


9. Join a Group

If your new company has some groups, such as a book club or a whisky club, why not join in? Perhaps there is a company football team or a group of yoga enthusiasts. Get together and join in some activity and fun, or better yet — create one yourself. If there is a common like for something, see who is interested. Ask around or create a poll on typeform or slack.


10. Be Yourself

Authenticity is the best way forward. At the end of the day, when you're tired or haven't had your morning caffeine yet, your personality will show. That is not to say that it is ok to be cranky or rude, but show your natural self from day one and you will have nothing to hide.


Overall, getting along well with your coworkers will help you feel less stressed at work. Don't put pressure on yourself to socialise fast. This will happen naturally, but of course, some effort is required. You can take turns with the above tips (don't do them all in one go) to get off the right foot.


What's next? Are you going instead of coming or is someone in the company leaving? Read 8 Things to Be Mindful of at Office Farewells.

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