Career Advice

3 Scenarios to Why You Are Not Getting a Job

min read
Vera Chan

You may be browsing for jobs and time has passed but you are still not getting any interviews. There can be a few reasons why depending on what stage you are in your journey.


Below we have compiled a few scenarios and pointers to consider and work on to help you fix any stopping points. Let us get you on the path to getting hired!



1. You Are Not Receiving Invitations

The first step to getting your foot through the door is a phone call or job interview. But what if you are not receiving any? How can you get that first step as a launchpad to get the ball rolling to land a potential job?


Tailor Your Resume

You want to stand out of the crowd. To do this, tailor your resume. This means restructuring the order of sections so that you put first what the company is looking for. If you are sending in a physical resume, print it onto slightly thicker paper, so that it stands out of the pile.


Customise Your Cover Letter or Job Application

Choose one to two things about the company and talk about how your experiences or skills relate. Help the interviewer connect the dots, so that they can read more seamlessly. This will help them stay interested.


Address Areas of Concern

Do you have areas of unemployment in your resume? Did you get made redundant from your last job? Make sure you clarify reasons for why there is a gap in your curriculum vitae or why you left a company. To simplify this, you can put a one-word remark next to each employment on your resume. Find out what is the difference between a resume and curriculum vitae.


Do Not Put All Your Eggs in One Basket

You may have come across a great job that you really want. But make sure you are still applying to other roles. Cast the net wide and you will be sure to catch something back. If anything this is great interview practice. It will also keep you busy while you keep your search open.


2. Zero Follow Through After the First Interview

You have got a phone or in-person interview but have not heard anything back afterward. This could mean that you look good on paper and your resume is doing its part. But you might need to work on your interview skills.


Do Your Research

Be prepared to be asked about the company. This is one of the most common interview questions. Why do hiring managers ask this question? Because they want to see how prepared you are and interested in the organisation. Look up their website, social media, and even the latest campaigns.


Be Relatable

Mention skills and experiences that are relevant to the job role. If you have done sales and this is a sales role, talk about meeting your targets. Give examples and numbers to back up your experience to help them envision how you work.


Describe Your Qualifications

Be excited when you talk about your qualifications. Talk about the skill sets you can bring to the table and how it will benefit them. This will be especially relevant for the role you are applying for. Be concise and specific — do not waffle.


Be Prepared to Explain Yourself

Same as addressing areas of concern. Help the employer fill in the blanks with gaps in your resume or short tenures at a previous job. The hiring manager wants to see how you explain the story. If they did a background check, they will want to see that it matches up too.


3. Getting Interviews But No Job Offer

You may be getting quite a few interviews but still have not heard back any news about a job offer. Why is that? There could be various reasons, including the following:


Tailor Your Answers Better

Be sure that you are showing how you bring value to the employer and company. Show that you can help them solve their problems. This means elaborating on skills mentioned in the job description. This will keep you on point to stay relatable and hopefully memorable.


Create Rapport

Avoid a stagnant back-and-forth of questions and answers. Change it up and ask questions (see more later). Build a dialogue and provide commentary where appropriate. Post-interview, follow-up accordingly with a thank you email. If you have the interviewer's email address, you can enquire about feedback if you do not hear back from them.


Get Positive References

Do you have important or high enough calibre references? Go back and review your referees. Ensure they are giving positive references. If they are not comfortable with doing so, find a new referee that will vouch for you and share positive remarks. This will work in your favour.



Gauge Your Asking Salary

Ensure you are asking market value for what you are worth. Do not aim too high so that the number scares off the potential employer, but do not lowball yourself either. A good marker is to reference Glassdoor's salary estimator tool.


Ask Good Questions

Questions show that you care, so ask insightful questions to each interviewer. Whether it be multiple interviewers in a room or multiple interviews. Prepare one to two questions. This will generate a conversation.


The Takeaway

It is frustrating to play the waiting game. But with the above tips, you should be able to help pinpoint areas of improvement. Try and work on some skill sets, be it face-to-face or audio interviews. All the while making sure you are continuing to apply to jobs to keep your options open.

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