Career Advice

6 Tips for Social Media Content to Enhance Your Company’s Employer Brand.

min read
Mikaela Thompson

Having a social media presence and using it effectively for employer branding is pretty much mandatory if you’re looking to attract the top talent in this digitally savvy generation. A survey found adults between 18-34, spent an average of 45 minutes on social media platforms each day. If you’re using old-school methods to recruit, you’re overlooking one of the most effective tools to promote your employer brand to the better part of the workforce. 

How to utilize social media platforms to ensure you do employer branding content right. 

Firstly, to promote your brand, choose platforms specific to your ideal candidates (do a bit of research to find out what these are whether it be Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn, or Snapchat etc., and create your own company blog tailored to your target audience. It’s ok if a lot of your content on social media is upbeat, light-weight stuff but try to also include a stand on some important relevant issues that resonate with your potential candidates.

To make your social media venture doable, start off by experimenting with one or a smaller group of platforms your target audience uses. After mastering these, branch out with other channels.

Specific ideas for content to put on trending platforms:

1) Facebook:

Since this platform has a 2 billion user base, it’s possibly the most powerful branding tool for a company. Its demographic is varied which is good for you because you can target paid posts based on age, location etc. It’s also likely to be the first place most prospective employees check out for company info’. To make it buzzworthy and titillate their imagination with your company’s ‘magic’, fill your company’s Facebook page with engaging, exclusive content and industry-related news. Post images and videos whenever possible to show what it’d be like to work in your company. Nudge your employees to join online discussions and to share content to increase page engagement. 

2) Instagram:

Is trendy with younger generations who often skirt Facebook in preference of IG’s snappy, highly visual aspect and an ability to quickly scan through posts with minimal written text interference. Creating instant impressions and keeping up a constant flow of creative postings are essential here. Use your company’s database of photos to easily repurpose as content on IG. Use a regram to share someone else’s topical content with your followers, with minimal effort. Use IG’s carousel feature to allow numerous employees to be featured in a single post as a great timesaver. Take a pic, grab a quote and slap on a hashtag as a great way to showcase events your team attends. 

3) LinkedIn:

This social networking site for professionals is currently the best channel for reaching and engaging with your potential candidates. Maximize your company’s value here by creating a customized page to show off your organization, products/ services, culture – for free! Essential inclusions on this page are your company details like address, website, size etc. Add a logo and customized banner so it looks professional; add a careers tab and post your job openings there. Use your current employees as brand ambassadors for your company by asking them to list the company as their place of work on their profiles along with company bios. Upload blogs by staff members, office and project photos, feature your CEO and employees. This will boost current and potential employee engagement. 

4) YouTube:

Videos drive big results on social media. Most people find videos more engaging, interesting and authentic than words which are often regarded with suspicion. Leverage the trend by setting up a YouTube channel for your company. You don’t need a huge budget to produce good content for company branding. Use your smartphone’s point and shoot camera to produce interviews or to feature key employees at a low cost. You can combine short clips with photos to develop a longer, more appealing video. Forget about extensive editing, voice-overs, or captions - they’re unnecessary.

5) Snapchat:

You can tap into the younger generation who vibe with this platform. Use pictures and videos adding in emojis, stickers and filters to push your company content. Since snapchat posts only have a 24-hour viewing span, you must keep up the flow of new content.   

6) Twitter:

Has an extensive reach as an open platform where people don’t have to follow you to view your content. Zone in on topics of interest to your target audience and add a related hashtag so it’ll be easier for your users to find your posts. Use tools like HashTracking and Hashagify so you can get a grasp of which hashtags will be winners with these users. As well, search Google Trends and hashtags to pinpoint influencers who’re discussing relevant topics. You can search for specific hashtags and filter by locations of interest and then connect with potential candidates who’ve shown a legit interest in the field. Do your company a solid by creating a GIF for Twitter to stand out in crowded newsfeeds. 

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