AlikeAudience (HK)

AlikeAudience - Data Engineer

Entry Level
Hong Kong
Data Engineer
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About Us

AlikeAudience provides high-performing, privacy compliant and global audience segments with agility for platforms and market places to stay competitive and innovative in the rapidly evolving adtech world. Serving Global 4As and working closely with multinational credit card, DSPs and CDPs partners, we help brands to achieve massive Return on Ad Spend through our mobile-first audience segments, data onboarding and ever-evolving next-gen audience data solution.

Who we're looking for

We are expanding our technical group to build new products and improve existing offerings for the ever-changing ad tech ecosystem to take the opportunities that arise from the future deprecation of third-party cookies and recent changes in mobile advertising identifiers, and now we are looking for like-minded individuals to deliver better tools and services together for empowering advertisers to make smarter decisions. We are looking for a talented Data Engineer to join our growing team.

Your Work in AlikeAudience

Life in a startup is totally different from what you have in other types of businesses.  You have no boundaries that are limited by your title and your role, and we expect everyone to swarm together to tackle the same problem with the same goal in the best way that everyone can contribute.

Listed below are the hard-skills that would fit well in our current team setup,

  • Ability to design and implement resilience batch and streaming data pipelines and automated flow for ingesting, cleansing, transforming, processing and aggregating data with Apache Spark.
  • Ability to implement data delivery integration with our partners’ platforms according to their specifications.
  • Understand what makes code maintainable and reusable, review contributions from developers of all levels, and maintain quality of the codebase.
  • Ability to visualise data to understand what is inside, and detect and remediate anomalies from our data sources.
  • Ability to quickly code quick code to surf vast datasets at the speed of light to help our data analysts on ad hoc analysis. Speed is the paramount here and that is why we used 2 quicks in the same sentence for it.
  • Ability to code in Scala is surely welcomed, but we surely do not want to call during your vacation.  Our entire team uses Python at AlikeAudience.

About You

In AlikeAudience, we care about you as a person more than your previous experience in a specialised role.  We look for candidates based on who they are as a person, and their potentials, not their previous achievements. Listed in the following is what we are looking for.

  • You are comfortable with showing your vulnerability at work, fail fast to learn and recover from failure and come back stronger.
  • You are naturally curious and proud of learning something new faster than most of your peers. You are also fascinated in sharing your knowledge to uplift your colleagues to allow them to catch up your pace.
  • You are motivated by daunting challenges and constant changes in life, looking to break the status quo for continuous improvement in both yourself and our products.
  • You are opinionated on how things should be implemented in a technical excellence way in achieving the features needed by users for achieving their objectives.
  • You have been described by your friends or colleagues as adventurous and yet dependable.
  • You know the importance of taking the balance in between idealism and pragmatism, such that you are willing to communicate and align with the team and strive towards the shared goal.
  • You are bored by mundane, repetitive tasks and seek to automate such that you can be lazy and spend time elsewhere.

All information collected will be used for recruitment only and treated in strict confidence. We will retain the personal data of unsuccessful applicants for future recruitment purposes for a maximum period of 1 years.

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388 Castle Peak Road Tsuen Wan, New Territories
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AlikeAudience (HK)

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